Letter.Box.Stamp.Collect. installation for Queensland Poetry Festival

This year I curated an installation for the Queensland Poetry Festival called Letter.Box.Stamp.Collect. This project incorporated the 19th century orienteering hobby of Letterboxing, and circular poetry. Five former QPF poets- in-residence were invited to write a poem that would each be developed into a circular stamp. These stamps were placed in letterboxes located around the QPF site at the Judith Wright Centre over the duration of the festival. Festival goers could take an imprint of the poem and also leave a circular poem of their own response in the letterbox.

The Letter.Box.Stamp.Collect. poems:

a rawlings' poem
angela rawlings’ poem ‘Ligature in G’ (photo: Sachiko Murakami)

emily's piece

Emily XYZ’s ‘sol lewitt’ (photo: Zenobia Frost)

The invitation to contribute responses to the project was extended digitally via the blog and contributors sent in a range of text, sound and visual responses to either the concept of letterboxing, circular poetry, or both.

The Contributors:

Many thanks to QPF Festival Director Sarah Gory for supporting the project, to Jacqueline, Emily, angela, Jacob and Shane for sharing your unique voices, and to all who sent in responses.